Altered Carbon Cortical Stack Cast In Solid Metal Pewter

£29.00 - £34.00
Limited quantities available

Inspired by the Netflix show Altered Carbon, this Cortical Stack is cast in solid Metal Pewter (lead free).

Each one is hand cast and polished, no two are alike!

Cast in two halves there is room inside for small electronics, if you wish to add a blue glow. Also provided is a small 3D printed connector to hold them together.

We also offer a 2nd version with an internal glow in the dark section to give it that real look. (These can be more intense, if you charge under UV light)

Please note we have not glued the glow in the dark option, (in case you wish to add your own adaptations/electronics to it) and will not come with connector. The insert acts as the connector but in odd cases may need a little glue to secure.

FREE UK SHIPPING!! (None UK £10.45) (Sorry we can no longer ship to the EU)

"Cortical Stacks serve as a receptacle for the human consciousness or Digital Human Freight (D.H.F.). All citizens within the Protectorate have a cortical stack implanted when they are one year old." -

Original 3D design by Ben-3D on Thingiverse-

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